
Meet the endogos

A reading scheme for older beginner readers

ISBN: 978 1 916945 10 4

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 14 2

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 11 1

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 15 9

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 12 8

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 166

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 13 5

Price £10.00

ISBN: 978 1 916945 17 3

Price £10.00

These books are set on the island of Madagascar where the endogos live, an as yet undiscovered species of pygmy human beings. These books, by the creator of the successful weebee reading scheme for very young beginners, have been designed for older beginner readers. The illustrations are an integral part of the literacy journey of the reader, allowing opportunity for discussion and language development. The research-based approach focuses on the recognition of just one hundred key words that together make up approximately two-thirds of all reading matter in English. For each new book, twenty new words are introduced and listed at the beginning of each book. The key words being introduced are listed at the back of each book together with suggestions for word-pattern study.


In 2024, the UK National Literacy Trust recorded the lowest level of reading enjoyment for children and young people aged 8-18 since they began measuring this metric in 2005. It was also the steepest year-on-year drop and part of a broad downward trend since 2016. In addition, the gender gap in reading enjoyment nearly tripled from 2023 to 2024. Their analysis shows that this is a particular crisis for secondary school pupils. They were also able to demonstrate a connection between reading skill and positive reading attitudes; children and young people who enjoyed reading had higher average (mean) standardised scores than those who didn’t enjoy reading.

The UK National Literacy Trust has stated that there is “overwhelming evidence that literacy has a significant relationship with a person’s happiness and success,” (Literacy Changes Lives: An Advocacy Resource, 2008). Low literacy rates are associated with higher rates of crime, the cycle of poverty, and dependence on welfare. In the UK in 2024 eighty-five percent of juveniles who interacted with the courts were functionally illiterate. According to the National Literacy Trust report in 2024, sixteen percent of adults in England are functionally illiterate.

The endogo books have been created to appeal to older beginner readers and those who are functionally illiterate.

Release date May 1st 2025