Children's books

Primary or Elementary Children's Books - children's books with Christian values

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Books for Christmas

This is Christmas Day

by Tim Allyn

Part of the joy that parents have at Christmas is seeing their children's excitement when opening all the wrapped toys and gifts. The first Christmas wasn't too different! God had a special gift that He was giving to the world. It was the only gift that could save us from our sadness, sin, and pain. It was the only gift that could bring peace and joy to those who suffer. God delighted to make Christmas Day so spectacular because He was giving one gift that would save the world.

ISBN 978 1 913946 77 7 (Paperback) £12.00

ISBN 978 1 913946 78 4 (Hardback) £19.00

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"Children love stories, rhymes, and Christmas. Here, in This is Christmas Day, Tim Allyn gives tham all three. Best of all he helps us - parents and children alike - to understand what the story is all about."

Sinclair B Ferguson

Author of the award-winning children's book 'The Big Book of Questions and Answers'.

Barney the cold cat 

a Christmas story

This is the fourth book in the Barney the cat series. A Christmas special. It is winter and poor Barney is cold. He sees the other animals, the shepherd boys, angels and the kings following a star. Barney follows the others and eventually finds a warm safe place to stay. These books support the development of predictive reading, an essential skill for beginning readers.

ISBN: 978 1 8380028 5 5    Price £ 14.00

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Little Lucy small and shy

by Ann Goddard

Little Lucy is shy and hides herself away. Through an adventure in the woodland, and with the help of her friends the birds, Lucy learns that she can be brave and adventurous. She gains confidence in being herself. Quotes from Scripture affirm that God knows each of us and He is with us always.

ISBN: 978 1 913946 75 3  (Paperback) £12.00

ISBN: 978 1 913946 76 0 (Hardback) £19.00

How Eileen was Saved

by Eileen Mohr (Founder of Crossbridge Books)

The year is 1937. Eileen is six years old. Her family lives in Dagenham in east London, England. This is a true story written and illustrated for six-year-olds. In those days children's evangelists visited Sunday Schools where they would teach children about Jesus,  and the salvation that can be found through following Him. This is the story of how Eileen, at the age of six was saved. 

ISBN: 978 1 913946 87 6  (Paper back) £8.00

ISBN: 978 1 913946 98 2  (Hardback) £19.00 

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